Friday, November 11, 2016

Big banks’ mortgage rates edge higher in response to Ottawa’s efforts to cool housing

Canada’s banks have started raising their mortgage prime rates, or posted variable rates, in response to moves by the federal government to cool the housing market.

The typical five-year discretionary variable rate for Canada’s six largest banks is now 2.3 per cent, according to mortgage tracker That’s an increase from 2.25 per cent.

“They’ve started hiking their mortgage prime rates and/or posted variable rates proactively,” says Rob McLister, the founder of “That’s because the Department of Finance is making it more costly to lend — with “behind-the-scenes” policies like higher capital requirements, securitization limits and new default insurance restrictions.”

Banks can respond to increased lending costs by either raising their mortgage prime rate or reducing the discount from posted rates that they are willing to give qualified customers, McLister said.

“All banks are facing higher regulatory-related lending costs (and) likely all banks will reduce their mortgage discounts materially in the next 12 months,” he said.

Earlier this month, Toronto-Dominion Bank led the pack by moving its key prime rate up 15 basis points for variable-rate mortgage customers. The prime lending rate jumped to 2.85 per cent from 2.7 per cent for one segment of the business. Bank of Montreal then boosted discounted rates, a move that affected only new borrowers.

Analysts have said the steps taken by the federal government this year to cool the housing market would raise costs for banks and mortgage insurers — which would most likely be passed on to customers in the form of higher mortgage rates.

The Trump presidency in the United States is also expected to have an impact on rates as bond markets react to expectations of higher inflation, says McLister.

“At worst, (the) prime rate could climb 1 to 1.5-plus percentage points in the next 24-36 months, costing you $1,400 more interest per year for every $100,000 of mortgage,” he said.

from DIYS

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