Monday, November 21, 2016

6 Reasons to Use a Real Estate Agency - When Buying/Selling a House

There comes a time in every entrepreneur's lifecycle, where you reach a certain level of success that leaves you hungry for more. Most reinvest in their business, others travel the world, while some look for various other avenues of investment to multiply their hard earned income.

Recently, I decided to venture into the world of real estate investing. Real estate has been booming in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) for the past few years, with new housing, apartment and condo complexes being built at a phenomenal pace. This provides a great opportunity for investment when it comes to making your money 'work for you'.

However, my area of expertise is communications, journalism, digital media, content creation and copywriting. I've had no prior experience in real estate, except for living in a house! Severely confounded at my scarce intellectual state of affairs on the subject, I turned to a friend of mine who had previously invested in the U.S real estate - successfully.

Armed now with the right guidance, $900K to spare and a penchant for travel, I took a few weeks off and went down to sunny Florida!

Here are "6 Reasons to Use a Real Estate Agency - When Buying/Selling a House"

1. They Possess Immense Expertise

I'm truly not a fan of jargons. What does the MLS for a 4B/2B with an EIK and a W/D even mean!? You see where I'm going with this right? The vast field of real estate has a peculiar language. It is replete with acronyms and alien jargon. This is where your Real Estate Agency or Realtor comes in. They are amply well-versed to speak this extra-terrestrial language - better than anyone else!

Moreover, buying or selling a home necessitates countless forms, reports, disclosures, and other technical documents. Thus, a qualified real estate firm or experienced realtor possesses the knowledge to help you prepare a powerful deal. This prevents delays and costly errors that can throw you all over the place!

2. They're a Search Powerhouse

The magical realm of the Internet makes the world truly your oyster! With the power to search almost anything, anytime, anywhere at the click of a mouse, you're able to scour through the cyberspace skies of a plethora of online real estate listings, sites and agencies, all amply up to date! Nonetheless, here's the shocker that I learned: there exists far more access to a treasure chest of real estate listings that local, physical real estate agencies possess; something many people simply don't realize.

Moreover, a local real estate agency, such as Local Realty Service, a firm that I had dealt with during my Florida odyssey, will most certainly be well adept at a given search region far better than ordinary people like us ever could. If there's a certain neighborhood you like but say it is beyond your current budget, the good news is that an experienced real estate agency or realtor knows the dynamics and facts to each neighborhood that they can work in your favor.

3. They're Masterful Negotiators

Negotiations are part and parcel of the real estate business. It entails buying, selling and all the facets therein. Thus, when you're looking to buy or sell a house, you'll be faced with situations that demand expert negotiating skills.

What fuels these negotiations further, are immense market competition, unorthodox strategies, intricate tactics, bidding battles and so forth. Wouldn't one desire a smart and experienced negotiating professional to nail that deal? I know I would!

Furthermore, a good realtor or real estate firm can help manage various parameters and a solid purchase agreement that encompasses key areas such as substantial timeframes for home inspection and other dynamics therein.

4. They Know Everybody! #Connections

In the world of real estate escapades, who you know is just as crucial as what you know. This helps real estate firms and realtors to effectively accomplish the process of buying or selling a house, with minimal or zero hiccups! These vital connections could include anyone from home inspectors, interior designers, and mortgage brokers, to property lawyers and everything in between!

5. Code of Ethics is Paramount

A well laid out Code of Ethics is something that a professional real estate firm or realtor will never compromise. Being accredited by the National Association of Realtors®, the largest trade group in the U.S, is a big stamp of assurance that you're in good hands.
Thus, this ensures that all parties involved adhere to a strict Code of Ethics; something that works the most in your favor!

6. They're Your Personal Therapist and Info Database All-In-One!

Realtors and real estate firms are diverse and versatile beings; they wear a plethora of hats. They may be salespeople in purpose, but their mission statement entails so much more than meets the eye.

The average day for them involves them consistently driving around the city, keeping an eye out for attractive listings that might strike your fancy. Moreover, they pay from their own pockets in effectively marketing your house, assuming you're selling it. Conclusively, they have your best interests in mind all the way through and will not stop at anything to ensure that you come out of the entire experience as a satisfied buyer or seller.

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from DIYS

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